Student Interview#15: Kendall Kaller

Kendall is a freshman at CSULB and is undeclared right now. She wants to take a couple classes and explore her options and once she finds something she likes shes going to stick to it. She originally is from Seal Beach but moved to Long Beach. Kendall is a hostess at a restaurant in Seal Beach called Mahi. She states that it is really good sushi and seafood although it is a bit pricey, but she claims its worth the price. Her hobbies include photography, paddle boarding, tanning, and hanging out with her friends. Kendall only had one pet it is a golden retriever named Kai.  sel student pic

Artist Interview#15: Amy

Amy is getting her BFA in drawing and painting. She is going to be graduating this year and is really excited. Her paintings are oil paintings which she generally does she also draws. Amy states that she used to draw when she was younger but didn’t take it seriously till college. Her paintings are of scenes in her house. She said her inspiration for this was because she is always at home and she wanted to show the culture difference conflict. She states that her family and her have different values and that she is first generation. Her small paintings take about an hour or two and then the bigger ones take long time and she paints them in the studio at CSULB but she doesn’t know where she is going to put them after she is done. After she graduates Amy plans on either teaching or going to graduate school. She stated that she still wanted to teach even after grad school and doesn’t know what grade yet.sel 1 sel 2 sel 3 seli 4

Student Interview#14: Courtney Hatzenbuhler

Courtney is a first year at CSULB and is 18 years old. Her major is Organismal Biology and it is like marine biology or zoology. Some of Courtney’s hobbies include making headbands which she actually sells on a website called Etsy. She also has 4 dogs and when asked what her favorite movie was she stated that it was silver lining playbook. Courtney said that she could watch that movie over and over again. When asked what her goals are for the next 10 years Courtney said that she hopes to open up her own animal rescue center and help injured animals because she really loves animals. Courtney also thought that this class was going to be more like how to draw but she states that she still likes it and is glad she took it.IMG_6193

Artist Interview#14: Khara Cloutier

Khara is getting her MFA in graphic design. She stated that it was her last year and the she was graduating this semester. She is originally from Austin, Texas and got her bachelors degrees from Texas State. She now lives in Long Beach and moved her for work. Khara is inspired by the city and LA county. She likes working with grid patterns because she thins that it is very graphic design to her and says that it goes with the city aspect.The challenging part for her is getting the idea that she wants on paper and just making it perfect and the best part is being successful at that. When you have an image in your head and you do it perfectly Khara states that it is the best feeling. Her goal in the future is to hopefully create more pieces and take that pieces from the gallery and make them wearable like make them into clothes.IMG_6195IMG_6196IMG_6197

Student Interview#13: Daniel Hogue

Daniel lives in Huntington Beach and is 18 years old. He is a freshman at CSULB and is an undeclared major. He stated that he is leaning toward kinesiolgoy major because he wants to be a Chiropractor. Daniel’s hobbies include playing basketball, and hanging out with friends. He has 2 pit bulls named Mystique and Thor. Daniels favorite food is steak he says that he loves meat and couldn’t imagine being a vegetarian. When asked what he saw himself doing in 10 years he stated that he doesn’t really know what he wants to do in the future he just wants to be happy. When asked why he took this class he said that he thought it was going to be an easy class so he just took it for the credit.IMG_5986

Artist Interview #13: Ronald Pagenkopp

Ronald is a 5th year at CSULB. He is currently getting his MBA in Illustration. Ronald currently lives in Huntington Beach but is originally from Downey. He goes to school at night and only takes 2 classes at a time because he works a lot at an animation company called Moonscoop. Ronald states that he has been drawing since he was very young and that his work is based on memorizes of people that he has had. His favorite thing to draw is figures and when he is working on his art he likes to listen to rock and roll. He states that he draws for 12-15 hours and then goes back to it later. His pieces in the gallery took him about 4 semesters to finish. In 10 years Ronald hopes to be doing what he is doing now but better.IMG_5984IMG_5983IMG_5982

Student Interview #12: Shane O’Connell

Shane is a freshman at CSULB. He is a business management major. Shane also told me that he is a triplet, he has 2 sisters. when he was younger shane used to move around a lot so he would always transfer to different schools, he went for seal beach to Los Al High School. Some of Shane’s hobbies include dirt bike riding, playing lacrosse. He also stated that he has his own business of making picture frames. He had made a frame for his mom and one of her friends fell in love and suggested that he start his own business so that is exactly what he did. Now his frames are being sold at local stores and in the future he hopes to either expanded his frame business or take over his dad’s company. securedownload-11

Artist Interview #12: Brenda Moron

Brenda recently attended CSULB before that she was an animation major. She is now getting her BFA in wood and says she love it here and she loves the program because its small and she gets better advice from professors. Brenda says that she always liked working with wood and making things. For her art she actually worked a group of people and they took wood from the trees at were cut down at CSULB and made a bench. The bench that they made is going to be with other projects and the judges are going to pick one to put in the school. She stated that the building they made the bench for recently doesn’t have any benches so they thought it would be a good idea to make one for there. Brenda is inspired by her dad who is in carpentry work. She sell her projects on a site called Etsy but in the future she hopes to open her own furniture store.IMG_5930 IMG_5931 IMG_5932 IMG_5933

P12 Project

For my P12 project I decided to make a slide show of photos of my sisters soccer game. I wanted her to have memories that she could keep forever. I used my friends professional camera and tried capturing all the important aspects of the game as well as many candid shots. I’m really excited for her to see the slide show and I hope she likes it. I never really took any pictures when I was younger and I’m really sad about it so I hope she appreciates this project. I also picked making a slide show because I wanted to try out photography so this was a really cook challenge for me to explore.


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Student Interview #11: Debra Zelaya

Debra is 19 years old. She is a second year at CSULB and is a nursing major. Her family is originally from El Salvador. Debra is also a vegetarian. When asked who her man crush is she responded with William Levi. Debra’s favorite genre of movies is comedy,romantic comedy, and action. Her favorite movie is a walk to remember. Debra has no pets but states that she wants a dog. She loves to go to amusement parks her favorite one is Six Flags. She has 4 sister and she is the middle child. Debra also really like to sing, go to the movies, hangout with friends, and listen to music.IMG_5908